Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Single Life

So today after 10 billable, 11 hours in total (see previous post), I walked into the apartment tired and wanting to relax. I immediately dropped the skirt. Then I thought, "living along definitely has perks." So then I thought about all the things I like about being single and living alone. Technically I have a roommate, but she lives at her boyfriends. Yeah, she stops by every now and then (I know because there is mail on the shelf and she has the mail key) but I haven't seen her since May. Oh, except for a brief moment in early July, when she stopped by to pick something up. So I consider myself living alone.

So what do I love about being single/living alone:
  1.  I can wear little or nothing whenever I please, I almost always air dry as I walk around the apartment and often spend the evenings in just my underthings. I think a nudist colony would be really great if it wasn't against my religious beliefs.
  2. My money is ALL mine. And once my student loan is paid off next month I will have quite a nice disposable income.
  3.  Movies/tv are always my choice.
  4. My apartment is clean and organized, exactly the way I like it. And I don't have to deal with anyone else's mess.
  5. If I don't feel like cooking I don't have to and when I do cook it is always what I want and nobody complains that its gross.
  6. I have time to myself to get lost in a good book.
  7. I can travel anywhere, anytime (sort of, work has a bit of a chain on me.) I did take a really awesome trip this summer, hopefully another one soon!
  8. I can be out late whenever I want.
  9. I love eating/drinking straight out of the carton, tupperware, etc.
  10. Lastly, I can move where ever I want. Which will be happening come first of the new year! 
Now don't go thinking I'm uber selfish because of this list. I'm simply stating the benefits of being single, I would gladly trade for a husband and kids. But we don't always get what we want exactly when we want it, so until then I'm enjoying what I do have.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great to look for the positives in every station of life. It is nice to be able to sit and read a good book without any distractions. Enjoy all of those things!
