Friday, June 24, 2011

Daddy Dearest

So because I've been catching up and traveling this post is a few days late. But I wanted to mention my daddy since it was Father's Day this past Sunday and his birthday on Monday. I was super blessed to get such a great Dad. I never bought him a #1 Dad mug, but he is most definitely. I am a firm believer that people's personalities are a result of both Nature AND Nurture. And I used to think that I most definitely had my very own nature and felt I was quite different from my parents but as I've gotten older I've seen the similarities. And I'm lucky to have my daddy's genes. I definitely got his body type, thankfully I don't have to work to hard to stay thin, THANK YOU!
Also many girls go shopping with their moms but not me, I loved to take my dad. My mom hates shopping and was a bit clueless to fashion, thanks dad for helping me out. Being the first girl was a bit of a fashion challenge but I learned young that dad was the best shopping buddy and gave me some great fashion taste. He also bought me my first pair of heels. Mom told me I was too young but I love high-heels and did at a young age. Well one day I had to get new church shoes and mom couldn't go, so dad took me. Together we picked out a cute pair of low, little girl heels. As soon as we got home I took them to my room but of course mom wanted to see, thankfully my dad stood up for me and mom let me keep my heels.
I also got his mathematical brain, his love of reading, his logical mind, and his sensitivity. Most people don't think he is, oh but he is. I remember when I was pretty young mom brought home the movie Life is Beautiful. He watched the entire thing, then with red eyes he quite firmly told mom she should never bring this type of stuff home again! Cute, huh? He is a good man and I love him soooo much and am so grateful to know that he loves me. Thank you dad for being MY daddy.

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