Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So here's the question, what did you do with your EXTRA day?

I woke to the perfect temperature room and got to work earlier than usual. Since I'm on salary, I came to the conclusion that essentially they got an extra day out of me without having to pay me for it. Thus, I petition that Leap Day become a legal holiday. Just think about it.
Then it definitely would be a happy leap day. So besides working until 8pm, I also did my visit teaching, yes, last day of the month, yes, I'm glad I had an extra day this month :) I was lucky and found one girl home and had a good visit. The second girl, I wasn't so lucky with. A few people at work occasionally tease & give me a hard time for living in the 'ghetto'. Well tonight I really went to ghetto Phoenix. I honestly was a bit creeped out, which is rare for me. Nobody answered at the girls door but I wanted to make sure she lived there, so I went to the neighbor's and knocked. Then I thought, what if some crazy, thug guy lives here and me with my 4 inch stilettos and little gift bag and card would make quite a target. Thankfully a lady answered and was pretty sure that a Bianca lived next door. So I'll go back tomorrow and try again.

I was supposed to tutor a girl in math, and I was RELIEVED she canceled, because 1) I'm exhausted and 2) I struggle to keep my patience while trying to explain for literally the 30th time how to round. Yes, round, as in you have $4.50, round to the dollar....
FIVE, the answer is FIVE!!!!! It was extremely difficult (read practically impossible) last time and despite A TON of effort I didn't remain completely calm, but mostly. So tonight I'm glad it was cancelled, I was already low on patience. After visit teaching, I came home showered and am heading to bed early and happy to do so.

My extra day was filled with extra work, in four years we'll try this again Leap Day and maybe do something magical. Happy Leap Day everyone!

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