Saturday, August 13, 2011


So I thought I'd just put down some random things that have happened in the last couple weeks. Two weeks ago, we had a bowling event for work. I'm on the events committee and was in charge of arranging it. Then at the event I was putting people on lanes and helping run it. I also LOVE bowling so I also wanted to make sure that I got in two games, midst my responsibilities. So I got my team together and started bowling, in between bowls I'd help people get on lanes and mix and mingle. Well for the first time EVER!!! I got a TURKEY!!!!!

I'm the line above the red line, letter E. Even with the bowling class in college and bowling an average of 3 times a week, I never got a turkey. I don't ever think I broke 150.  I think I need to be more distracted as I bowl and hopefully the weights I've been doing will help.

So at work a few people I've been working with on one client have quit over the last few months. And this week the new director over that client also quit. I was a bit sad to lose him and so grateful we've finished almost all of that client's returns because me and a partner are the only ones left that know the client.  We had a nice work happy hour yesterday to wish the director farewell and it was funny to hear stories from one of my partner's, I've never heard him talk so much. He told about one of the other partner's Bob, when they had their own tax firm. An IRS agent was there doing an audit and Bob totally got up in his face and yelled at him for bringing up stuff so late into the audit, etc. And Bob was doing that because after 3 months the young IRS auditor was finally coming across the issue that Bob had taken a bit of a risky position on and didn't want the IRS to fully realize. He totally scared away the IRS agent and the audit was wrapped without the position being changed. I totally want to be that kind of tax accountant. I also love talking to older people and hearing about the awesome things they've done. Someday I want to be that old person with really cool stories.

Well afterwards I came home and was exhausted, so I took a short nap, then I got up and started watching tv. The lights were off except for the tv and I suddenly feel something on my arm. I thought it was a stray hair, since I get those all the times. And I reach my elbow to pull it off and its a bug and I FREAK and jump 20 feet in the air and off the couch. I run and turn on the lights and then search all over the couch and I couldn't find it but I KNEW it was on me. Aaaaah! Then I continue watching my program and I look over and see a spot on my entryway and I get closer and its THE BUG! A nasty cockroach thing with wings. I've been in this apartment for over a year and half and have NEVER seen a cockroach, it was sooooo nasty.

Seriously, I was freaking! I used my guitar fly-swatter from the Grand Ole Opry and killed it hard. I was proud of myself but seriously had the willies all night. I really hate bugs.

But today, was a pretty solid day again. I got up at 6:30am, hello thats EARLY for me. I did my longest run/walk 3 miles. But the really great thing, the first mile and a half I ran the WHOLE thing. My very first run a few weeks ago I couldn't even run half a mile. I feel so proud of myself. I also got some much needed cleaning done today. Hope your week has been just as productive!

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