Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Wheelz

Check 'em out!
 Isn't she a beauty?
 Look at those details.
 I even accessorized.
A little blue bell, no, not the ice-cream, an actual bell.
I did the research and then went and picked up Belle on Saturday. Yes, I've named her Belle. The bike shop guy took the front tire off and showed me how to put it back on and re-set the brake. Then he loaded her into my car. Well when I got home, I put the tire on no problem. Then I tried for an HOUR and couldn't get the brake line back in. So Monday night after work, I had my co-worker Mike follow me home and together we got the brake set up. Yeeaaah! So now that I finally had a working bike, I went for a ride. I rode to the Fry's and re-filled my M-Power card.
Here's me riding Belle. I don't have a bike lock yet and I didn't even think about having my bike, obviously I'm new to the bike lifestyle. So when I got there and realized I had my bike w/o a lock, I thought for a minute and then figured well, the machine is right near the front, so I'll just take my bike with me. So I rolled my bike in and filled my electric card. Nobody said a thing, booyah!
AND today I rode my bike to WORK! AND I carried it up the two flights of stairs, instead of taking the elevator, BOOYAH!!!
It's only about a mile and a half to work but I could definitely feel it working muscles and I can tell carrying it up and down from my apartment and at work is definitely helping strengthen my arms. So glad I bought Belle, I think we're going to be best friends.

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