Monday, February 13, 2012

Last Minute Valentine's

Okay so for all you last minuter's here are some ideas that you can do on the fly and still will come across totally thoughtful and sweet!
LOVE PACKAGE: All (or a lot) of his/her favorite sweets/foods and handmade coupons for acts/services he or she wants. My list would include a massage(my shoulders are super tight right now), taking out the trash, doing the dishes, running errands, making me dinner, etc.
READ: Get her/his favorite book (or one he/she's been wanting to read) and read it to them, curled up on the couch w/ some hot chocolate.
PLAYLIST: Yes, its old-school just with new technology (and some say cheesy) but songs that mean something to the both of you or her favorite love songs will be a hit. Dim the lights, turn on the playlist and dance.
MOVIE MARATHON: Queue up netflix or drop by a rental place for some great romantic classics or his/her favorite movies.
INDOOR PICNIC: or bike to an outdoor picnic (shout out to biking b/c I'm loving my bike).
LOVE LETTER: or note or poem, who doesn't love being told why he/she is beloved.

Valentine's Day is a day devoted to LOVE and taking that extra minute to SHOW some love, no need to be expensive, just make it personal. Happy Valentine's! Wishing you lots of love.

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