Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jumping, Popping, Eating, Playing in the New Year

I love to finish things, I think that's why I like New Year's, it's another thing finished. I spent this New Year's Eve with family in my hometown Yuma, AZ. I jumped with my nieces and nephews on the Christmas trampoline.
This is a serious dude and hard to get smiles from, but he's aaaalmoosst smiling here. No matter what Tanner is one cute dude.
Lexi & Q peeking out to invite me in.
On the other hand, the newest grand-baby Zoey is all smiles.
Nana and Isaac playing ball.
And my favorite photo of the night! Somebody ALWAYS ends up in tears, its the law of the trampoline.
After playing and munching, the fireworks begun!
Started it off with sparklers. They are still one of my favorite fireworks. I think I get even more excited than the little kids with them.
Then we moved all the little ones back and Papa and Nathaniel started the show.
We had some pretty great fountains.
Nana had to keep the little, little boys on her lap because they kept trying to get closer.
So after a bunch of fireworks I noticed ALL the smoke! Notice the ceiling, the patio roof was COVERED in smoke.
Mushroom cloud!
Look at those fireworks go!
Through the window - Quent and Jonathan just hanging out inside.
We did those snake things last and let the little ones get closer.
They loved watching the snake grow.
Little One Alert! Just had to get closer...
JAIL - aka Papa's lap.
These little ones love their Papa.
After the fireworks, all the kids went to bed. Then the adults played "the game of things." Pretty funny. I saw it at the store a few days later and purchased it, THAT'S how fun! After a few rounds, around 11:30pm most of the adults were falling asleep. My sister and I made them stay up and wait until it was actually midnight. "Happy New Years" was more mumbled and moaned that shouted and we all packed up to head to our respective homes. I was in the car headed home by 12:15am.
PS I started the New Year by getting pulled over by a cop on my way back to Phoenix, I gotten a written warning but no ticket. Hope this isn't foreshadowing my 2012.

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