Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Race Re-Run

Pun intended, haha! So because we had a pretty decent group of us from work running the race as a team, Mcgladrey sent out a professional photographer to get some shots to maybe use in recruiting, marketing, etc. So I wanted to share some of these photos with you.
Here is the pre-race group shot. Mike and I are looking at my dad's camera, haha.
 Adam at the first obstacle, look at that air. Before the race he was worried about his knee, which he screwed up about a year ago. Here he definitely does not look worried.
 Matt using the vaulting method, these were so short of barriers and Matt so tall, he could have just stepped over them.
 Here I am at the beginning full of hope and excitement.
 Then there was this shot. Seriously? And the photographer posted this online for all to see. He probably was laughing his head off, rude! I do not remember doing this, but I think it was right before I was getting ready to hurdle my last barrier. I don't know how the tongue was supposed to help. Currently this pic is the desktop photo on a couple coworkers screens and a printed black and white copy hangs on Matt's cubicle. 
I guess its a good thing I grew up with 5 brothers, I'm used to being teased by the boys - Matt, Mike, and Adam.
We finished! That's what matters.

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