Thursday, October 13, 2011


So when I was younger I was obsessed with knowing what my favorites were. Due in part to two things: first EVERY new club, school class, church group, etc. had those questionaires to fill out. You know the ones: favorite ice-cream flavor, favorite color, favorite food, favorite place, favorite, favorite, favorite. Second, I have a bit of an obession of being exactly specific. Have you seen How I Met Your Mother, think Ted Mosby and his language precision. If you haven't seen the show, what do I mean, well take "best friend" for instance. I COULD NOT have multiple best friends, by definition "best" was exclusive and meant ONE and ONLY ONE. I really was frustrated until I could identify in each category what was my favorite and some took years to know. The best friend category was quite an issue for me as a kid, to pin point exactly who was my favorite each year, but I had to know. Over the years I always managed to identify exactly who was my best friend. I documented each one in the back of my old journal each year all the way through high school. 

Then I went to college and had the BEST roommate EVER! Literally the best, I've never had a better roommate. But we also became best friends, BUT WAIT, what about my best friend for the last FIVE years, I was still just as close and loved her just as much and best means ONE not two?!?!? I know, stupid but it was a bit of panic for me. I finally conceded that I could have multiple best friends because I really did love each of them equally and more than all others, they all tie for best. 

So a few years ago I had asked my dad what his FAVORITE thing to do was, my dad unlike me has no personal need to know exactly what his favorites are. Difficult for gift giving and activity planning for me. I digress, well he said his favorite thing to do was anything with my mom. At first I was a bit upset, hello, have an opinion, like things, want things, make decisions. But then I thought how nice, I think a guy like that would be good for me :) He really does love my mom and just being with her is good enough for him. And over the last couple years I have realized that similar to my dad, I like just hanging out with my mom too AND my dad. I'm so grateful that they are not only my parents but have also become some of my best friends. I haven't quite got to the point like my dad, that doing ANYTHING with them is my favorite, but I do prefer to spend time with them over MANY other things. I'm definitely grateful for my four best friends.

Now in case you were wondering, "well what are her other favorites?" Here they are:
Color - Dark Purple
Ice-cream - Soft serve Vanilla from Dairy Queen
Food - Shepard's Pie
Place - Europe ( I know very broad but I love ALL of Europe)
Animal - Horse
Movie - Anne of Green Gables
Car - '66 Mustang Convertible
Drink - Lemonade
Flower - Rose
Jewel - Diamond (also my birthstone)
Holiday - Christmas

Do you have favorites or not really?

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